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An immersive, multi-platform approach to engaging modern job-seekers and creating deep and diverse talent pools


RECRUITMENT connects employers with their next workforce

Targeted recruiting strategically identifies the right candidates for the right job

Recruitment events built for ease, efficiency connects employers with their next workforce
Targeted recruiting strategically identifies the right candidates for the right job
Recruitment events built for ease, efficiency

AI-driven platform with custom employer content debuted in 2021

Company landing pages, an integrated application system and hyper customization give prospective applicants a stronger sense of a company’s culture than traditional job boards.

Company-specific digital and social media campaigns cast nets in the right candidate pools

Comprehensive assessments build a foundation for more reliable recruitment outcomes

Company spotlight video embeds bring open positions to life and provide an inside look at company culture and values.

In-person and virtual, company-specific and industry-wide

Joining like companies together to drive earned media and attract and engage more candidates

Scott Galloway

President of CDIT

“LED Faststart gives us an edge to help with the recruiting. One of the benefits at this time is the ability to do the virtual career fairs and FastStart really has helped us. I think probably since 2020, we’ve done six or seven of those and that's been highly important in these times.”

LED FastStart Impact