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Company-specific, custom-built combinations of new technology and proven techniques across a range of industries



Virtual training scenarios allow employees to be trained safely

Testing skills through assessments

Embedding micro-training into company culture

Training manuals, presentations and more

FastStart Technology Center

Virtual training scenarios allow employees to be trained safely
Testing skills through assessments
Embedding micro-training into company culture
Training manuals, presentations and more
FastStart Technology Center

Secure virtual reality experiences simulate safety scenarios without shutting down operations for in-person exercises, moving businesses forward with no delays.

Managers observe employee assessments that involve completing complex technical tasks, which increases new workers will be assigned to the right jobs.

Producing creative ways to integrate unique training approaches into the daily office environment.

Powerful tools built strategically to a company’s brand and culture.

Architectural and experiential design is underway for a workforce development center that will be unlike any in the U.S., offering fully developed AR/VR stations, production suites and everything needed to produce customized training assets.

Located directly in view of the Capitol building, symbolizing its importance to the state.

Will Boudreaux

CEO, Netchex

“My whole management team feels like the FastStart group is part of the team. In planning and how we managed, and especially for training and recruiting, they have their footprint all over the process.”

LED FastStart Impact
