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Online platform delivers talent pipeline

LED FastStart Impact


Online platform delivers talent pipeline

LED FastStart Recruiting connects companies with a skilled workforce

LED FastStart Recruiting is a next-generation workforce hiring platform that allows job seekers to interact with hiring companies in dynamic new ways. 

Employing company landing pages, an integrated application tracking system, hyper customization and sophisticated data analysis, the platform helps company recruiters match the right candidate with the right job opportunities. LED FastStart Recruiting casts a big net but calibrates its catch to a company’s culture and job requirements. Individualizing recruitment ensures the company and the candidate both have a five-star experience, increasing the likelihood of a new hire becoming a long-term employee.



An international lumber company, Canfor came to LED FastStart needing applicants for its core leadership team to set the stage for plant operations and fill roles for the rest of the facility.

Positions like Project Manager, Plant Manager and Human Resources Manager were the most immediate needs. LED FastStart Recruiting’s AI-driven platform targeted southwest Louisiana job seekers with relevant skills and experience via email. The email featured a link to explore the company further on Canfor’s LED FastStart Recruiting landing page. A one-click apply button gave candidates the option to submit resumes straight from their inbox. 

An impressive pool of nearly 100 candidates signed up in five weeks. Monthly follow-up email campaigns retarget prospects with information about new job opportunities, the culture at Canfor, benefits, a company video, and other offerings.

Service Corporation International (SCI)

Service Corporation International (SCI)

SCI, a funeral services company, engaged LED FastStart Recruiting to create a cohesive plan for increasing responsiveness to Customer Service Representative (CSR) job postings in New Orleans. At that time, the company had 12 openings for both English and bilingual speakers, roles that have been particularly difficult to fill in the past.

Knowing a large call center was undergoing layoffs at the time of the CSR hiring for SCI, LED FastStart Recruiting used targeted searches to find qualified candidates new to the job market and invite them to apply, resulting in a high number of interviews. Additional elements of the plan included an LED FastStart Recruiting landing page, social media posts on the LED FastStart-managed Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram pages, as well as contract writers creating blog posts touting the company’s New Orleans roots and diverse work culture, which were heavily promoted on the FSR platform and in social media.

SCI fulfilled its goal of hiring six bilingual and six English-speaking CSRs for this push, employing FSR’s arsenal of candidate targeting tactics to meet the challenge of recruiting a bilingual workforce.