Driving outcomes through policy input
LED FastStart impacts state initiatives
Since its inception in 2008, LED FastStart has made millions of dollars in annual higher ed investments to advance curricula and training in software, digital and IT services, advanced manufacturing and STEM-related disciplines.
The LED FastStart team’s support for educational innovation goes beyond direct investments to include initiatives that help to shape programs at all levels around the state. Louisiana benefits from visionary leadership at the Louisiana Board of Regents and the Louisiana Department of Education, and FastStart is at the table as policies are developed and refined.
The latest such initiative: the Fast Forward Program, which will prepare students for current and emerging professions that expose students to high-skill, high-wage and in-demand occupations. Fast Forward will assist in the establishment of statewide industry or sector partnerships among local educational agencies and institutions of higher education, and facilitate the creation, expansion and integration of opportunities for students to complete coursework that integrates rigorous and challenging technical and academic instruction.
Ultimately, Fast Forward will push more young Louisianans to college, with plentiful offerings from both two- and four-year colleges across several public university systems in the state.